Tia Newhall
Professor and Chair, Computer Science Dept
Swarthmore College
www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~newhall <http:www.cs.swarthmore.edu/%7Enewhall>


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Meaghan Burke <mburke at janestreet.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 11:00 AM
Subject: Invitation to Jane Street Event


I wanted to reach out to introduce Jane Street <https://www.janestreet.com/>.
We are a proprietary quantitative trading firm, using innovative
technology, a scientific approach, and a deep understanding of markets to
stay successful in our highly competitive field. We operate around the
clock and around the globe, employing over 550 people in offices in New
York, London and Hong Kong. Can you please send the invitation below to
your club? We think this event will be a great opportunity for students and
we really appreciate your help with this.

-Meaghan Burke

This May, we're excited to host our second Spring Education Event (S.E.E.)
at Jane Street <https://www.janestreet.com/>. We're inviting freshmen and
sophomores to spend four days in our New York City headquarters to learn
more about what we do and how we do it through a set of trading and
programming classes and activities. Attendees will receive an in-depth look
into the ways we use math and computer science, as well as insight into the
different roles that exist within our firm.

Selected students will arrive in New York the evening of May 21st and will
depart the morning of May 26th.  Jane Street will provide travel to and
from New York, housing, a variety of social events throughout the week and
a $500 stipend.  Our office is located in Brookfield Place
<https://brookfieldplaceny.com/> and the hotel where you’ll be staying is
just a few blocks from the office.

Jane Street is a quantitative trading firm that uses innovative technology,
a scientific approach, and a deep understanding of markets to guide our
business. We are a global liquidity provider and market maker. With offices
in New York, London and Hong Kong, we operate around the clock and around
the globe.

Founded in 2000, Jane Street employs over 550 people. We are always
recruiting top students and the environment at Jane Street is open,
informal, intellectual and fun. The dress code is casual, the kitchen is
stocked and discussions are always lively. Teaching and learning are
central activities through classes, mentoring and discussion.

In the trading program, students will learn about mathematical and
financial topics such as probability, market structure, and arbitrage
through a combination of short classroom lectures, group games, and mock
trading sessions. There will be a main curriculum of core subjects, with
flexibility to explore alternative areas of interest for those already
familiar with a given topic. These activities are structured to provide a
foundation for and a broad overview of our work, and there will be plenty
of opportunities for close interaction with our traders.

Students selected for the software development program will have the
opportunity to learn the fundamentals of building electronic trading
systems - fulltime developers will work with you to write a program that
trades on a simulated stock exchange. You'll also have the opportunity to learn
OCaml <https://www.janestreet.com/technology/>, our programming language of
choice, and the libraries and tools that we use in our everyday work,
putting them to use by writing the backend and UI for a computer game.

While participants will learn about both trading and software development
throughout the program, you can only participate in one of the tracks. Both
segments will have a combination of classroom lectures, group games and
exercises, and one-on-one mentorship.

*Application Process*

Students interested in attending should apply here
<https://www.janestreet.com/apply-see/> to be considered for a spot in the

The deadline to apply for this event is Thursday, April 20th.  If you have
any questions, please don't hesitate to email see-js at janestreet.com.

Good luck with the application process and we hope to meet you soon!

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