---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Casey Lu Simon-Plumb <csimonp1 at swarthmore.edu>
Date: Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 7:45 PM
Subject: Web side project for Alumni Weekend
To: Tia Newhall <tnewhal1 at swarthmore.edu>

Hi CS students!

I work with Alumni Weekend to organize student workers to be employed
throughout the event (if you're interested in being a student worker key an
eye out for an email later, it's a great way to make some FAST CASH and
happens after graduation).

I'm looking for someone with some CS skills to take a look at the *very
very very *dated site we use to input student information and assign jobs.
If possible *we want to revamp the site* for this upcoming Alumni Weekend;
an entirely new site is slated for 2018, but it would make life much easier
if we make some altercations to the current site.

The current site looks like this and is such a hassle to operate:

[image: Inline image 2]

If you are interested in this side project I'm almost positive (although we
would have to double check with Alumni Relations) *we could pay you for
your hours* ($$$). Any changes would have to be made within the next 2-3
weeks. If you want more details / think you're the person for this *please
reach out to me ASAP* (csimonp1) by the *end of this week*.

Thanks so much!

Casey Lu Simon-Plumb
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