---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Meredith Hegg <jobs at learnwell.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 3:49 PM
Subject: Computer Science Internship -- advance notice
To: Tia Newhall <newhall at cs.swarthmore.edu>

Dear Dr. Newhall,

LearnWell, a nationally-recognized online course and learning systems
development company, will be opening 2 internship positions next week for
computer science students.

Please forward the details of this email to sophomores and juniors who have
either completed or are taking *CPSC 035. Data Structures and Algorithms* at

The project work involves well-defined and focused improvements to a
cloud-based software platform using a variety of coding and interface
techniques that will be explained to candidates.

Since many of the student interns who have worked with bring experience and
knowledge from extracurricular projects, we thought it would be worth
mentioning that in addition to the "big 3" client side web script-languages
(html, javascript, and css) having more than a passing familiarity with php
would be very useful. (Hint: You might check out the *PHP Introduction* course
or if you're feeling ambitious, the *PHP with MySQL – Beyond the Basics* course
available on Lynda.com <http://lynda.com/>.)

Please indicate your interest in being contacted next week when the
positions are opened by completing this short online gDoc form.

I appreciate your forwarding this notice.

Next week I will send the official notice and that will contain more
details. Those who have expressed interest in advance will receive priority
attention for responding early.


Meredith Hegg, Project Leader
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