Oscar just added a follow-up that seems quite important to include!

    Oh, and they can also apply for our software engineering internship
    this summer through our careers

> Oscar Chen, our alumn who recently organized the Civis Analytics 
> virtual info session, asked me to share some follow-up information 
> about the session.  From Oscar himself:
>     For those students who weren't able to attend the session, you can
>     share this recording of the session with them:
>     https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B55hbbNVaBe7bFZucXVFV2ZxdjA
>     <https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B55hbbNVaBe7bFZucXVFV2ZxdjA>
>     For more information about Civis - our projects, our technology,
>     our clients -- students can read up at our blog:
>     www.civisanalytics.com/blog <http://www.civisanalytics.com/blog>
>     If any students are interested in applying to Civis or hearing
>     more about what it's like to work here as an intern or full-time
>     software engineer (even in any of other teams such as Applied Data
>     Science) they can email me questions or resumes at
>     ochen at civisanalytics.com <mailto:ochen at civisanalytics.com>.
>     It's getting late in our recruiting season so the quicker they
>     apply the better, and students should look out for our internship
>     and full-time opportunities in the fall, when our college
>     recruiting really kicks in.
> Let us know if you have any questions!

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