Hello, everyone!  I've received an e-mail from one of the owners of 
O'Brien Greene & Co., an investment advisory firm in Media, PA. They're 
interesting in someone for part-time work and possibly summer work.  
Please see the announcement below.

While I can't speak to specifics, you don't need to worry too much about 
getting to the job.  Media, PA is accessible by train from Swarthmore; I 
live in Media and sometimes use the train to get to campus.  If you're 
interested, please see the announcement below for an e-mail address to 
use to contact the company.  :)



*Opportunity*: part-time coding/design work on a financial technology 
start-up that is being incubated within O’Brien Greene & Co., a local 
registered investment advisory firm.  If the work arrangement goes well, 
then it could lead to a summer internship and/or eventual employment.  
Although O’Brien Greene is located close to campus in Media, work can be 
performed remotely.  Collaboration on this project will offer a hands-on 
introduction to an important area of finance/investing, and it will be 
calibrated to fit a mutually agreeable workload.

If you’re interested in this opportunity, and would like to hear more 
about what the project involves, please contact Matthew O’Brien 
(matthew.obrien at obriengreene.com 
<mailto:matthew.obrien at obriengreene.com>) and provide a resume/CV.  
Selected candidates will be asked to meet for an informal interview at 
Hobbs Coffee in town.

*About the Firm: *O’Brien Greene & Co is a boutique investment advisory 
firm based in Media, Pennsylvania that manages about $250 million in 
separate account portfolios of individual securities, as well as a 
small-capitalization stock limited partnership fund.  The firm’s staff 
includes a Swarthmore alumna and two residents of the Borough.  Founded 
in 1969, O’Brien Greene’s clients include individuals, families, trusts, 
endowments, and retirement plans.  In addition to portfolio management, 
the firm offers fiduciary consulting to corporate retirement plan 
sponsors, and provides its personal clients with financial planning advice.
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