---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christa Chiao <cchiao at analystinstitute.org>
Date: Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 11:59 AM
Subject: Paid Internships at the Analyst Institute

The Analyst Institute helps Democratic and progressive groups figure out
what really works in political and social justice campaigns. We share
recommendations and provide education and training for the progressive
community. We keep a low-profile, but we work with all the big name groups
in the progressive ecosystem—labor unions, environmental groups, racial
justice organizers, LGBTQIA rights advocates, you name it—from local and
state-based groups all the way up to Presidential campaigns.

We’re looking to train paid interns, and to launch their careers. We offer
two internship tracks: Synthesis and Outreach, and Statistics and
Programming. To learn more and apply, click here

We’re looking for people who are smart, self-motivated, like to solve
problems, and are committed to the Analyst Institute’s mission of
progressive change.  We value diversity in thought, background and
experience and we’re an equal opportunity employer; people of color, people
with disabilities, women, and LGBTQIA candidates are strongly encouraged to

Locations: Washington, DC; Denver, CO; Los Angeles, CA; or Boston, MA

Compensation: $12/hour

Dates: Commitment of at least 10 weeks. Dates and hours are flexible

Application Dates: Our applications are open to all on a rolling basis

To Apply: analystinstitute.recruitee.com

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