Hello!  I'd like to share some information we received from Abhi Ramesh 
on behalf of the Horizons Fellowship.  This program provides full 
tuition and funding for students to attend the immersive summer program 
at the Horizon School of Technology. Although the Horizon School of 
Technology has a reputation as a good supplement to a CS degree and way 
of preparing for CS industry, the cost of attending is not trivial; the 
Horizons Fellowship can defray or completely eliminate this cost.  
Please see below for the information we were asked to share.




*The Horizons Fellowship*
*The Horizons Fellowship 
<http://horizons.cmail19.com/t/i-l-uyiikht-mikeatt-r/>* supports 10 
outstanding university students in their pursuit to become leaders in 
technology. The program provides immersive software engineering and 
web/mobile development courses geared towards high-achieving college 
students. Students need not have a computer science background! Our 
curriculum, developed by ex-Salesforce and Optimizely engineers 
alongside PhDs in computer science, is designed to teach students how to 
build web, mobile, and desktop applications. We have 4-month semester 
programs and 3-month summer programs in cities across the U.S.

The Horizons Mentor Network includes current/past employees of firms 
such as Google, Facebook, Uber, Airbnb, Snapchat, and more. As a 
Horizons student/graduate, you will have permanent access to this 
exceptional group of mentors to help with career choices, general 
mentorship, and more.

Past Horizonites have come from a variety of schools and backgrounds. 
Students have hailed from Harvard, Princeton, UPenn/Wharton, Columbia, 
Northwestern, Brown, Michigan and more. We've welcomed National Math 
Olympiad winners, USA Computing Olympiad participants, renowned college 
entrepreneurs, students with perfect SAT/ACT scores, talented designers, 
photographers, and more as part of our previous cohort.

*Application Process/Criteria*

  * Currently enrolled in (or recently graduted) an undergrad or
    graduate university program
  * Submission of resume and standardized test scores on
  * Series of fit and logic interviews
  * Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

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