Hello, everyone!  Erin Massey from Career Services just sent me the 
following message a contact at Google about programs they are 
operating.   Please see below!



Hello from Google!

I hope the winter break was as much of a break as possible. We're 
writing to let you know about igniteCS and Applied CS with Android, two 
Google programs that might be of interest to you and your students:


igniteCS provides funding and resources for groups of college and 
university students to make a difference in their local communities 
through Computer Science mentorship. Students design a mentorship 
program that best serves their local community, and Google provides 
resources, support and funding of up to $10,000 to help make it happen. 
igniteCS is designed to provide opportunities for undergraduate students 
to apply CS knowledge outside the classroom, and to foster an inclusive 
and welcoming CS environment for everyone.

Applications will be accepted January 17th through February 19th. Check 
out our website <http://goo.gl/XZX4EM>for further details and join our 
G+ community 
more information as well! We hope you will encourage your students to 
apply and consider serving as their faculty advisor. The igniteCS team 
is here to help, so please reach out <mailto:ignitecs at google.com>if you 
have any questions!

*_Applied CS_*

Google is also looking for students who are passionate about CS 
enrichment, outreach and education to bring Applied CS with Android 
<https://cswithandroid.withgoogle.com/>to campus as a student 
facilitator. Facilitators act as the primary lead for the Applied CS 
with Android program at their university, partnering with faculty and 
students on planning and hosting the program workshops and code sprint. 
Eligible student facilitators should have completed a university-level 
data structures and algorithms course and ideally feel comfortable 
programming in Java.

Student facilitators will gain exposure to the knowledge and skills 
relevant to industry-level software engineering careers. It’s a 
leadership and development opportunity that connects students to 
Googlers as well as a group of like-minded, passionate CS students 
globally. Selected facilitators will also get the chance to attend an 
in-person training bootcamp at Google in late February 2017 to learn 
more about the program, practice facilitation, and network with each 
other and Googlers in attendance. If you have students who you think 
would be interested in this program, please spread the word! Interested 
students can fill out our interest form 
and we’ll send along the application.
Whew! Thanks for your patience with this lengthy note. Let us know if 
you have any questions. Happiest of new years to you and yours.

Inline image 1 	

    *  • *Brendan Collins
    • University Programs Expansion (UPx)
    • brendancollins at google.com <mailto:brendancollins at google.com>
    • 212-565-9225 <tel:%28212%29%20565-9225>

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