Tia Newhall
Professor and Chair, Computer Science Dept
Swarthmore College
www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~newhall <http:www.cs.swarthmore.edu/%7Enewhall>


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dunne, Cody <c.dunne at northeastern.edu>
Date: Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 2:35 PM
Subject: PhD, MS, and MFA positions in CS/visualization at Northeastern
University in Boston, MA, USA
To: "newhall at cs.swarthmore.edu" <newhall at cs.swarthmore.edu>
Cc: "careerservices at swarthmore.edu" <careerservices at swarthmore.edu>

Hi Tia, and copying Carrier Services,

Would you mind sharing the below announcement with any CS students that are
pursing grad school? The earliest application deadlines are looming at *Jan.
1 *for CS PhDs, but we offer spring admission for strong applicants as well
on a case-by-case basis.

Happy holidays,



*PhD, MS, and MFA positions in CS/visualization at Northeastern University
in Boston, MA, USA*

Many of our colleagues may be unaware of a growing focus on visualization
research at Northeastern University <http://www.northeastern.edu/> in
Boston, MA. I am writing to you to share some of the exciting opportunities
for graduate research and study we have available.

The College of Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
<http://www.ccis.northeastern.edu/> has made two recent hires, Profs. Cody
Dunne <https://www.ccis.northeastern.edu/people/cody-dunne/> and Michelle
Borkin <http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/borkin/>, to lead visualization
research and support two new degree programs in Data Science
<http://www.ccis.northeastern.edu/research-area/data-science/>. They join
an already strong team of 62 tenured and tenure-track CCIS faculty, and the
College plans to continue hiring in both Data Science
<http://www.ccis.northeastern.edu/open-positions/> and Network Science
Northeastern is also now ranked 15th <http://csrankings.org/> among top
computer science schools in terms of publications at selective venues.

Beyond CCIS, visualization work is being conducted across campus by faculty
in Art and Design, Journalism, Politics, Engineering, and the Library. The
interdisciplinary NUVis Visualization Consortium
<http://nuvis.northeastern.edu/> ties these researchers together, and helps
foster cross-cutting studies. We have a rich tradition of working on
meaningful problems in collaboration with civic, business, and global

At Northeastern, students interested in graduate studies on visualization
have several degree programs to choose from:

   - PhD in Computer Science
   <http://www.ccis.northeastern.edu/academics/phd/phd-apply/> (due Jan. 1
   for Fall 2017 admission, rolling for Spring 2018 admission)
   - PhD in Personal Health Informatics
   <http://phi.ccs.neu.edu/phd/admissions/> (due Jan. 20 for Fall 2017
   - PhD in Network Science
   <http://www.networkscienceinstitute.org/phd#admissions> (due Feb. 1 for
   Fall 2017 admission)
   - MS in Computer Science
   <http://www.ccis.northeastern.edu/program/computer-science-ms/> (due May
   1 for Fall 2017 admission)
   - MS in Data Science
   <http://www.ccis.northeastern.edu/program/ms-in-data-science/> (due May
   1 for Fall 2017 admission)
   - MFA in Information Design and Visualization
   (due Feb. 1 for Fall 2017 admission)

Our warm supportive community of researchers eagerly seeks women and
minority students to promote diversity.

Profs. Dunne and Borkin currently have three open and funded PhD positions
focused on data storytelling, analytic provenance, tree and graph/network
visualization, visualization for healthcare, multidimensional data
visualization, and visualization perception and cognition. We are
particularly interested in students with strong programming proficiency,
especially in JavaScript, D3, and WebGL. Students should also have strong
English speaking and writing skills.

If you are interested in applying to work with them, please email Profs.
Dunne (c.dunne at northeastern.edu) or Borkin (m.borkin at northeastern.edu) with
your materials and submit a CS application
<http://www.ccis.northeastern.edu/academics/phd/phd-apply/> (preferred), or
alternatively PHI application <http://phi.ccs.neu.edu/phd/admissions/>.
Either Fall 2017 or Spring 2018 admission are available.
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