
Career Services has also sent us the following flyer for a Tri-College 
STEM recruiting event on February 3.  This is a good way to find 
internships and job opportunities you might not easily find elsewhere 
and some of the employers will be holding same-day interviews at the 
event.  One important thing to note: the sign-up deadline is *before 
classes begin*, so you'll want to look into this before you return to 
campus if you're interested in taking advantage of the opportunity.  
Have a look below!



The STEM recruiting event is a Tri-College event that consists of a 
career fair and interviews. Students can attend the career fair and/or 
apply for positions that employers will be interviewing for in the 
To apply, students should log into SwatCareers 
<> and then 
jump to the Tri-College portal (on the bottom right hand side of the 
page).  Any questions, please email emassey1 at 
<mailto:emassey1 at>.

Deadline to apply is January 11!


  All majors welcome to attend!.
  Looking for summer or post-graduate opportunities in the
  sciences? Whether you want to go to grad school, perform research, or
  work at a company, the STEM Recruiting Event is for
  you! Representatives from various STEM fields will be coming to campus
  on Friday, February 3rd to network with YOU about internships and
  post-graduate opportunities. Many employers will be holding
  informational interviews where YOU ask the questions, and some will be
  holding formal interviews. Follow the same "How to Apply" instructions
  listed above for the Philadelphia Career Connection event.  Apply by
  January 11.

There will be a career fair, open to all students, from *10:00 am -12:00pm*.
Pre-selected 30-minute interviews will be held from 1*2:45pm - 5:00pm*.
EVENT LOCATION:  Haverford College, Founders Great Hall

  *Participating employers :  MORE WILL BE ADDING!!!!*

  * *Technology*
      o *Vanguard*
          + *Technology Leadership Program - Application Development*
          + *Java Developer*
          + *IT College to Corporate Internship - Information Security
          + *IT College to Corporate Internship - Application
            Development (Internship)*
          + *IT College to Corporate Internship - Technology Operations
      o *Epic*
          + *Technical Problem Solver*
      o *NVIDIA*
          + *NVIDIA Fast Start College Hire Program*

  * *Healthcare & Research*
  * *Albert Einstein College of Medicine*
      o *Summer Undergraduate Research Program (Internship)*
  * *Scheie Eye Institute*
      o *Clinical Research Coordinator*
      o *Ophthalmic Scribe*
      o *Ophthalmic Clinical Research Coordinator*


  * *Analytics & Business*
      o *Crossix Solutions Inc.*
          + *Marketing Data Analyst*
      o *Ionfield Systems*
          + *Intern (Internship)*
      o *Munich Reinsurance America Inc.*
          + *TBD*


*Why Apply for an Informational Interview?*
Informational interviews are a great way to learn more about an industry 
or field in which you're interested in working in. It is a way to gain 
insider information and advice, as well as expand your network!

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