Tia Newhall
Professor and Chair, Computer Science Dept
Swarthmore College
www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~newhall <http:www.cs.swarthmore.edu/%7Enewhall>


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anita Sampath <asampath at jhu.edu>
Date: Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 11:15 AM
Subject: JHU Research Opportunity for Undergraduates
To: Anita Sampath <asampath at jhu.edu>

Dear Faculty,

I am writing to announce the National Science Foundation funded *2017
Research Experience for Undergraduates* *(REU) Program in Computational
Sensing and Medical Robotics* at The Johns Hopkins University.

The REU program is an intensive ten-week program of laboratory research and
instruction. In the program, each REU student receives hands-on laboratory
research experience under guidance from Hopkins faculty and graduate
student mentors. Participants will also receive classes on ethics in
research and technical communication. The students will have the
opportunity to go on local visits to labs.

*Participants will be provided housing and a stipend for the 10-week period
will be paid.*

*I would greatly appreciate, if you can pass on to the students in your
institution the promotional flyer that I am sending with this
communication. *The deadline to apply is February 17, 2017. Your students
can access the online application in the following link:-

If your students have any questions, they can email me at asampath at jhu.edu

Thank you very much for passing on this information to your students.


Anita Sampath

CSMR REU Program

3400 North Charles Street, 231 Barton Hall

The Johns Hopkins University

Baltimore, MD 21218

Email: asampath at jhu.edu
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