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From: Christiaan Vorkink <cpv at trueventures.com>
Date: Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 5:38 PM
Subject: Recruiting Swarthmore students for startup fellowships in San Francisco

I’m writing from True Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm in San
Francisco. We’re recruiting for a pair of fellowship programs—one a summer
experience for rising juniors and seniors, and one a yearlong program for
recent graduates—and some web research has led us to believe you might be
the right contact to get students at Swarthmore involved.

The first program, The True Entrepreneur Corps
<http://bit.ly/TrueVenturesTEC> (TEC), is a ten week Summer 2017 fellowship
designed to help college students get a foot in the door in the startup
world. TEC Fellows are matched with San Francisco-based companies in our
125+ company portfolio where they spend the summer working on projects
appropriate to their backgrounds and interests (both technical and
non-technical). Additionally, we gather the group together weekly for
workshops and a speaker series to dig into the venture capital and startup

The second program, The Priya Haji Fellowship
<http://bit.ly/TrueVenturesPHF>, is similar in intent and design to TEC. It
runs for the entire 2017-2018 academic year and gives recent graduates the
chance to join a startup as a full-time employee. Haji Fellows meet
periodically with the True Ventures team and we expect that this Fellowship
will prepare them to move on to other jobs in startups and/or venture

We know this is the time plans for next summer and beyond are being set and
would be thrilled to have Swarthmore students involved in both of these

What’s the best way to spread the word on campus? We’d be grateful for your
advocacy and if there are students you think might be interested in either
program, we would love to have the chance to speak with them.

Many thanks in advance for your help.


Christiaan Vorkink
True Ventures
650.319.2167 w
cv at trueventures.com
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