---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nanzi Zheng <nzheng3 at wisc.edu>
Date: Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 5:30 PM
Subject: Invitation to apply: UW-Madison's interdisciplinary PhD training
program on machine learning, human cognition, and education
To: "newhall at cs.swarthmore.edu" <newhall at cs.swarthmore.edu>

Dear Dr. Newhall,

I’m writing to ask if you might help us spread the word about a new
interdisciplinary graduate training program at UW-Madison. Its goal is to
provide graduate students from Engineering, Computer Science, Cognitive
Science and Education with hands-on cross disciplinary training and
experience working on problems at the intersection of machine learning,
human cognition, and education, and to prepare trainees for both academic
and non-academic career paths.

What kinds of problems do we work on? Any problem, in either pure or
applied research, in which people are learning from machines (educational
software, intelligent tutoring, second-language learning, MOOCs, etc.),
machines are learning from people (crowd sourcing, social network analysis,
emotion recognition, natural language processing, etc), or both. The aim is
to train scientists who can advance understanding within each core
discipline by applying information and insights from the others, and who
can bring the central ideas from each field to bear on real-world issues.

How does the training program work? Trainees can enter through any of the
core departments and complete all the usual requirements of their
department. The training program enhances this traditional training through
several additional mechanisms that are designed to promote
cross-disciplinary learning without increasing time to degree.

Here is a link to our website: https://lucid.wisc.edu
More information on our facebook group: https://www.facebook.co
m/lucidnetwork/ and our twitter feed @lucid_wi

We much appreciate your help in circulating this opportunity to students
who may be interested.

Nanzi Zheng, on behalf of the LUCID training program
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