Hi again!

On *Friday, November 11th* (not this Friday but next Friday) at *12:30 
p.m.*, we'll be having Andy Lee, a recent Swarthmore CS graduate, give a 
talk on his work at Uber's Advanced Technologies Center.  There will be 
*free pizza* as is common at these talks and Andy mentioned that he will 
be *collecting resumes* after he talks about Uber's internships and job 
opportunities.  See below for his description of the talk.

If you are interested, *please fill out this poll* so we know how many 
people are joining us and what kind of food to get:


Since this is somewhat short notice, *please reply by Monday!* I hope to 
see you there.  :)



p.s.: Please don't forget the talk by Cornell Tech tomorrow at 12:30.  
You can attend even if you didn't respond to the poll; we'll be in the 
CS conference room.

*Talk Description:*
Uber ATC (Advanced Technologies Center) is the Pittsburgh R&D hub of 
Uber’s engineering team dedicated to self-driving technologies, mapping, 
and vehicle safety. Our teams work on the cutting-edge of robotics and 
artificial intelligence, which includes using machine learning for 
pedestrian detection, optimizing motion-planning algorithms and hacking 
security systems on vehicles. In this talk, I'll share quite a few 
interesting projects that teams at Uber ATC are working on(perception, 
vehicle-infrastructure, hardware). I'll also speak a little about my 
work on the machine learning team here and the work we're doing using 
deep learning and simulation. Finally, I'll provide some insights about 
the work culture and talk about a few of the big milestones that Uber 
ATC has achieved since I first arrived, ending with a discussion about 
opportunities for full-time positions and internships.
*Speaker Bio:*
Andy Lee ('16) is currently on the Machine Learning team at Uber ATC.
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