Hello, again!  Erin Massey from Career Services just let me know about 
some events that Google will be running on campus on Tuesday and 
Wednesday.  You need to RSVP for the events, so take a look at them soon 
to see if they might be helpful to you.  See the advertisement below.



Interested in learning more about software engineering at Google? Well 
you're in luck.

On October 25-26, Google will be hosting technical deep-dive discussions 
and career-building workshops at Swarthmore. These sessions, open to 
both Swatties and Haverford students, are the best way to learn more 
about Google and the opportunities we offer to students. We will have 
food and swag available while they last, too -- hope to meet you there!

*Check out the details below and RSVP for the events here 
If you’re interested in internships or full-time opportunities with us 
next summer make sure to include a soft copy of your resume in your 

_*Google Engineering Deep Dive*_

  * *When:* Tuesday, Oct. 25 at 6:30pm
  * *Where:* Science Center, Room 199
  * *Why:* Learn more about Google Engineering's culture, job and/
    internship opportunities, and a technically detailed look at what
    it's really like to be a software engineer at Google.

_*Guide to Technical Career Development*_

  * *When:* Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 6pm
  * *Where:* Science Center, Room 199
  * *Why:* Google engineers will lead a year-by-year overview of how to
    put yourself in a great position to get a software engineering role
    after graduation. They'll also give resume tips/tricks and conduct a
    mini mock technical interview.

Who's invited:* All Computer Science students (major + minor) are 
especially invited, but anyone with an interest in software development 
is welcome!

What to do next:*RSVP for the events here 
*Make sure your resume and LinkedIn profiles are up to date (feel free 
to link both in the form above) and of course come with lots of good 

Hope to see you there!

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