I just wanted to remind everyone about this poll; so far, I've received 
only six responses.  I'll extend the deadline on the poll responses in 
case people have forgotten to fill it out.  Please let me know if you 
want to hear the speaker from Cornell Tech!

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Cornell Tech Information Session: Interest Poll
Date: 	Mon, 17 Oct 2016 12:55:14 -0400
From: 	Zachary Palmer <zachary.palmer at swarthmore.edu>
To: 	job-opps at cs.swarthmore.edu


Welcome back!  As you might recall from a while before break, we'll be 
having *Cornell Tech* give an information session on their *graduate 
programs* in a couple weeks.  The event is scheduled for *Friday, 
November 4 at 12:30 pm* (room TBA).  Cornell Tech is providing *free 
pizza* at the information session and we're currently trying to get an 
idea of how many people will be attending (so we know which room to 
reserve and how much food to get).  So please fill out this poll:


I'll be collecting this information *on Thursday*, so make sure your 
response is in by then if you want to be counted!


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