
Richard Liang, a Swarthmore alum (2015), asked me to share with everyone 
a software engineering internship opportunity from Etsy. See below!



https://www.etsy.com/careers/job/oYPE3fwe (must apply with a cover 
letter) or email me at rliang at etsy.com <mailto:rliang at etsy.com> w/ 
resume and cover letter for a direct referral.

I've been working at Etsy since the summer of 2014 (intern -> part-time 
during the last year of school -> full-time after graduation) and really 
enjoyed my internship, where I was able to work across multiple tech 
stacks on a project that ultimately shipped.

Some other links that may be helpful -
Tech blog: https://codeascraft.com/
Github page where you can see our OSS projects: https://github.com/etsy

Students with questions can contact me at rliang at etsy.com 
<mailto:rliang at etsy.com>.

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