Multiple PhD positions at the University of Virginia

Dr. Lu Feng (http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~lufeng/) invites applications for
multiple fully-funded PhD positions starting in Fall 2017 at the Department
of Computer Science and the Department of Systems & Information Engineering
at the University of Virginia. Successful candidates will be expected to
conduct research in the general area of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and
robotics, with potential applications in healthcare, autonomous vehicles
and smart cities.  Exceptional undergraduate and Master’s students from all
majors relevant to CPS and robotics are encouraged to apply (including, but
not limited to, Computer Science, Systems and Information Engineering,
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, Mathematics,
and Physics). Suitable candidates need to have a strong background in
mathematics, good programming skills (MATLAB, Python, C++, or Java), and
excellent English communication skills. Candidates with background in one
or more of the following areas are preferred: formal methods, machine
learning, security, and control.

The University of Virginia is rated as one of the top 3 public universities
in the United States. The School of Engineering has recently launched a
multi-million dollar initiative to create a collaborative world class
center of research excellence in CPS, named the Link Lab (
http://linklab.virginia.edu). Successful PhD candidates will participate
the Link Lab and find a vibrant culture to conduct innovative,
interdisciplinary, and foundational research. The University of Virginia is
located in Charlottesville, which has recently been voted the #1 best
college town to live and work in America (more information can be found at

If you are interested, please email your CV to Dr. Lu Feng at
lu.feng at virginia.edu

Lu Feng, D.Phil (Oxon), M.Phil (Cantab)
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Department of Systems & Information Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
University of Virginia
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