



My name is Patrick Zeng, and I am a student at Princeton University and
Business Today’s Assistant Director of Marketing. This year, in conjunction
with Sequoia Capital, Business Today is hosting the 2016 Start @ a Startup
Conference, our annual startup networking and recruiting conference.
Established by Steve Forbes at Princeton University in 1968, Business Today
is a student-run non-profit organization seeking to bridge the gap between
influential business leaders and top undergraduate students from across the
country. Business Today publishes the BusinessToday magazine, read by over
200,000 students and executives, and organizes three widely attended
national business conferences annually. With notable alumni like Meg
Whitman, President and CEO of Hewlett-Packard, and Wendy Kopp, founder of
Teach for America, Business Today continues its core mission of guiding
students into the business world today. You can learn more about what we do
at http://www.businesstoday.org

This October, our annual Start @ a Startup Conference connects the nation’s
most talented college students, like yourself, with elite startup companies
through an immersive weekend experience in the heart of New York City.
Selected students will have the exclusive opportunity to meet in small
groups with leading executives, as well as learn from remarkable keynote
speakers. At last year’s Start @ a Startup Conference, 250 distinguished
students connected with executives from over 30 industry-leading startups
over an exciting, event-filled weekend. In the past, executives from
Dropbox, Sequoia Capital, Yik Yak, Stripe, and many other industry-leading
startups have presented and networked with students at our conference. You
will also have the chance to set up one-on-one interviews with the
companies that most pique your interest. The best part of all: we will
cover all of your expenses!

Our team, along with many past participants, believe that the Start @ a
Startup Conference will be one of the greatest opportunities you will
encounter in your undergraduate career. It is thus my great pleasure to
invite you to apply for this exclusive opportunity here
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions.  We look
forward to meeting you in New York City, and providing you with a
life-changing weekend!


Patrick Zeng

Business Today

Assistant Director of Marketing
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