Tia Newhall
Professor and Chair, Computer Science Dept
Swarthmore College
www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~newhall <http:www.cs.swarthmore.edu/%7Enewhall>


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jonah Sinick <jsinick at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 4:53 AM
Subject: Data science job training for Swarthmore computer science students
To: newhall at cs.swarthmore.edu

Dear Professor Newhall,

I'm the lead technical instructor at Signal Data Science
<http://signaldatascience.com/>, an 8 week intensive training program that
rapidly prepares students with strong quantitative backgrounds for

Our summer program may be of interest to Swarthmore computer science recent
graduates and alumni. Can you pass the material below along to the student
mailing list?

PhD, Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign


*What *

Signal Data Science <http://signaldatascience.com/> is an 8 week intensive
training program that prepares students with strong quantitative skills for
industry jobs as data scientists. We teach

   - Programming in R
   - Scraping and cleaning data
   - Exploring and analyzing data using statistics
   - Predictive modeling
   - Presenting findings
   - Interviewing skills

We offer a pair programming-focused curriculum, facilitating students to
learn from each other’s strengths. We cover everything from basic linear
regression to advanced, industry-relevant methods like gradient boosting
and dimensionality reduction. You’ll learn from a combination of lectures,
short knowledge-reinforcement problems, and longer, more open-ended
assignments focusing on analyzing real datasets.

*Why and Who*

Data science is a rapidly growing and lucrative field
Students with strong quantitative backgrounds have often developed most of
the analytical skills needed, and would be highly sought in industry if
they developed the programming, predictive modeling and interviewing skills
needed. We bridge the gap.

*When and Where*

This summer cohort runs from July 5th – August 26th in Berkeley, CA.

*Contact Info*

If you'd like to learn more about the program, you can contact us at
<signaldatascience at gmail.com>signaldatascience at gmail.com
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