Got this from a researcher at the USDA in Wyndmoor, PA (my
 daughter worked there last summer).  Dr. Huang has a grant for 
 summer support that may be extendable to a whole year. You need
 to be a US citizen. If interested, send your info directly to
 lihan.huang at


>> I am looking for one or two students to work on a project using Python
>> for web development (flask, web2py, or Django for scientific 
>> applications). Do you know if there are any students that may be 
>> interested in summer jobs to work at USDA?
>> About Python for scientific application
>> 1) Numpy/Scipy
>> 2) Python web framework (MVC): Django, Flask, or Web2py
>> 3) HTML5/JS/CSS front end
>> 4) MS Server 2012.
>> I will work with students to develop a web site for food safety 
>> applications.  Knowledge of numerical methods (ODE and optimization), 
>> statistics, and computer simulation (Monte Carlo) a plus.
>> I know Swarthmore produces great students.  My daughter graduated 
>> from there.  If there are students interested in summer jobs, please 
>> let them contact me.
>>Lihan Huang, Ph.D., CFS
>>Research Leader
>>Residue Chemistry & Predictive Microbiology Research Unit Eastern
>>Regional Research Center USDA Agricultural Research Service
>>600 East Mermaid Lane
>>Wyndmoor, PA 19038
>>Phone: (215) 233 - 6620; Fax: (215) 233 - 6581
>>E-Mail: lihan.huang at<mailto:lihan.huang at>
>>For information about our unit, please click
>>For Integrated Pathogen Modeling Program (IPMP 2013), please click
>>For IPMP-Dynamic Prediction (C. perfringens cooling simulation),
>>please click
>>For IPMP-Global Fit, please click