Tia Newhall
Professor and Chair, Computer Science Dept
Swarthmore College
www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~newhall <http:www.cs.swarthmore.edu/%7Enewhall>


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Beth Crotty <bcrotty at janestreet.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 11:37 AM
Subject: Invitation to Jane Street Event
To: newhall at cs.swarthmore.edu


Can you please send this invitation to the students in your group?  We
really appreciate your help with this.

Beth Crotty


This May, we're excited to host the first annual Spring Education Event
(SEE) at Jane Street <https://www.janestreet.com/>.  We're inviting
students finishing their freshman and sophomore years of college to spend a
couple of days in our New York City headquarters to learn more about what
we do. Students who are selected to attend this event will receive an
in-depth look into the ways we use math, computer science and probability
concepts in trading, as well as insight into the different roles that exist
within our firm. Over the course of two days, participants will hear from
and interact with various traders and technologists, and learn how they
transitioned from their college concentrations in STEM fields to a career
at Jane Street.

Some highlights of the event include a talk from Sandor Lehoczky about
selection bias and a panel of new hires explaining the different roles at
Jane Street, including trading, software development, and quantitative
research. We will also enjoy a few social events, which will provide
another great opportunity to speak with Jane Street employees and the other
students attending the event.

Selected students will arrive in New York the evening of May 22nd and will
depart the evening of May 24th.  All travel to and from New York, housing
and meal expenses will be covered by Jane Street. Our office is in the
heart of the Financial District, and the hotel is very close to the office.

To apply, please email see-js at janestreet.com <womeninstem at janestreet.com> with
a resume and a brief statement (250 words or less) that tells us about
yourself and why you would like to attend.

The deadline to apply for this event is Friday, March 25th.  We will update
you on your application status the week of March 28th.

Jane Street is a quantitative trading firm that uses innovative technology,
a scientific approach, and a deep understanding of markets to guide our
business. We are a global liquidity provider and market maker, operating
around the clock and around the globe, out of offices in New York, London
and Hong Kong.

Founded in 2000, Jane Street employs over 450 people in offices in New
York, London and Hong Kong. We are always recruiting top students and the
environment at Jane Street is open, informal, intellectual and fun. The
dress code is casual, the kitchen is stocked and discussions are always
lively. Teaching and learning are central activities through classes,
mentoring and discussion.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email
see-js at janestreet.com <womeninstem at janestreet.com> Good luck with the
application process and we hope to meet you soon!
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