---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Prianna Pathak <prianna at chegg.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 3:03 PM
Subject: Opportunities for Students in Your Dept
To: Professor Meeden <meeden at cs.swarthmore.edu>

Hi Professor Meeden,

My name is Prianna and I'm reaching out regarding paid tutoring
opportunities for students in your department. I’m the community manager at
Chegg Tutors, an online platform that connects students to qualified
tutors. Our service directly caters to the constraints students work within
by offering a way to supplement their income while maintaining a rigorous
academic schedule. This part-time work allows for flexible, resume-worthy
job experience and competitive pay for undergraduate and graduate students

I’ve included a link below to a flyer detailing how to easily join Chegg
Tutors, and was hoping you would forward it to your department’s email list
to share with your superstar students. We already work with some great
tutors from Swarthmore College and we would love to add more to our team.
If you are the wrong contact within your department for this type of
inquiry, please feel free to let me know to whom on staff I should reach
out. I understand that you must be inundated with requests such as mine, so
thank you in advance for taking the time. Please let me know if you have
any questions!

*Click here to download the flyer!*


Prianna Pathak

Prianna Pathak | Associate Community Manager | Chegg Tutors

 |  *t* @chegg
  |  *f* chegg

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Chegg Tutors · 301 Howard St · Suite 500 · San Francisco, CA 94104 · USA

Computer Science Department
Swarthmore College
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