Tia Newhall
Professor and Chair, Computer Science Dept
Swarthmore College
www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~newhall <http:www.cs.swarthmore.edu/%7Enewhall>


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Riana Shah <rianashah at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 2:12 PM
Subject: Horizons - Coding Bootcamp
To: newhall at cs.swarthmore.edu, richardw at cs.swarthmore.edu

Hi Prof. Newhall and Prof. Wicentowski,

I hope you are both well! I graduated from Swarthmore recently, and I
wanted to pass along a cool opportunity that may be interesting to some
Swatties. Some friends are organizing this coding camp near Swarthmore this
summer. This may be especially interesting for Swatties interested in
technology. I know the sticker price looks scary, but I believe the
organizers are willing to be flexible with that. Please let me know if
anyone has questions.

"Horizons (www.joinhorizons.com) is the first technology launchpad for
college campuses - we are part coding bootcamp, part recruitment platform.
Horizons offers an immersive, full-time summer course and part-time school
year courses on college campuses.

Our mission is simple - we bring real-world, practical software development
classes to college campuses and subsequently connect our students with
amazing tech internship and full-time job opportunities. Our curriculum
(see attached for details) is focused on teaching end-to-end web
application skills and more general software development best practices
(Ruby on Rails, Javascript, HTML, CSS fundamentals).

Horizons also heavily emphasizes the recruitment/career placement process
both during and after our courses. We host speaker series and networking
events during the course to teach students about the world of technology.
Graduates of our course have access to an exclusive network of internships
and jobs, which we carefully curate."


Riana Shah
Independent Thought & Social Action International
Co-Founder & President
Swarthmore College '14
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