---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ruth Talbot <rwirlst at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 10:52 AM
Subject: Fwd: More job opportunities
To: Richard Wicentowski <richardw at cs.swarthmore.edu>, Tia Newhall <
tnewhal1 at swarthmore.edu>, Lisa Meeden <meeden at cs.swarthmore.edu>

Hi Rich, Tia and Lisa,

I received this email from a woman I interviewed with my junior year for
Girls Who Code, with whom I've kept in touch. She's now working for All
Star Code <http://www.allstarcode.org/>. I can't participate, but think it
could be a really cool opportunity for Swatties and, in case she hadn't
already reached out to you/Swarthmore CS, I wanted to pass it on.

I hope you are all well! Missing Swat CS!



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ashley Gavin <ashgavs at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 2:39 PM
Subject: More job opportunities
To: Ruth Talbot <rwirlst at gmail.com>

Hey Ruth,
Not sure if you're looking for a summer fling with teaching, or know anyone
who's interested, but would love to talk if you are. Here's what I've got,
please feel free to pass this information on:


Hi there,

All Star Code is looking for instructors and teaching assistants for its 2016
Summer Intensive Program in New York City. We are looking for teachers and
teaching assistants for our 6-week Computer Science programs in New York
City, and we feel that [YOU/YOUR EMPLOYEES/YOUR STUDENTS] would make
excellent instructors! We’re writing in the hopes that you will help us
reach out to them with this exciting opportunity.

Please feel free to pass on the attached job description to anyone/any
listservs that you would think would be interested. The deadline to apply
is February 1st, but early applications are encouraged as applications will
be reviewed on a rolling basis! The earlier you apply, the better your
chances! Please feel free to use the template below in your email.

Thanks so much for your time!

All Star Code is on the hunt for smart, inspiring ,and innovative computer
science instructors and teaching assistants for its 2016 Summer Intensive
Program in NYC.

We Want You If You…

Are passionate about computer science and coding

Want to help create future leaders in technology

Value increased diversity in the tech sector

With support from industry partners like Google, Spotify, Dropbox and
Treehouse, All Star Code’s program provides high school boys of color with
the skills, professional networks and system know-how to succeed in the
tech industry.  In Summer 2016, All Star Code will expand its NYC-based
summer program to 2 student cohorts. The Summer Intensive is an elite
six-week computer science course that is applied, project-based and
experiential.  Students are exposed to leaders and professionals in the
tech ecosystem. Throughout the program, you’ll work with the ASC team to
provide instruction to a class of 20 motivated boys in computer science,
algorithms, entrepreneurship and interpersonal skills -- to develop both
technical and leadership skills, as well as confidence.

The ideal candidate is an empathetic and enthusiastic individual with a BA
or BS in Computer Science and teaching experience (e.g. classroom teaching,
tutoring, TAing).  Interested candidates should send a cover letter and
resume to jobs at allstarcode.org. The subject of your application email
should read, “2016 Summer Intensive Teacher/TA.” In your cover letter,
please provide a short response to the following question: “What is your
favorite ice breaker to play with a group of students, and why?” Deadline
for applications is February 1st, however we encourage you to apply early
as we will accept applicants on a rolling basis.

Teaching Assistant Position
 /  Instructor Position
/ Curriculum Manager

Computer Science Department
Swarthmore College
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