Tia Newhall
Professor and Chair, Computer Science Dept
Swarthmore College
www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~newhall <http:www.cs.swarthmore.edu/%7Enewhall>


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Mosse <mosse at cs.pitt.edu>
Date: Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 6:32 AM
Subject: [wics] Opportunity for Aspiring Grad Students: Hot Metal Bridge
To: Tia Newhall <newhall at cs.swarthmore.edu>

Hot Metal Bridge Program

[image: Hot Metal Bridge Photo][image: Hot Metal Bridge]
What is the Hot Metal Bridge Program?

The Hot Metal Bridge Program at the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences at
the University of Pittsburgh is a new two-semester post-baccalaureate
fellowship program for students who will help us meet our diversity goals.
We will provide a two-term fellowship for fall and spring term 2015-2016
(including tuition and stipend) for up to nine fellows. The point of the
HMBP is to bridge the gap between an undergraduate degree and a graduate
training program, and to help individuals prepare themselves for a
successful program of doctoral studies. The six featured programs for
academic year 2015-2016 are: Biological Sciences, Computer Science,
English, Mathematics, Neuroscience and Psychology.
Who are we looking for?

*Students must be U.S. Citizens and or permanent residents who help us meet
our diversity goals and may also fit into one of the following
categories:* recent
college graduates, “career-changers” and other unusual applicants who have
completed an undergraduate degree, who are highly motivated and show strong
academic promise, but who are not quite ready to apply to a doctoral
program or who do not fit the usual mold. For example, we want students
whose interests or majors shifted towards the end of a four-year program;
or students who have been out in the world and developed interests that
differ from their degree; or students who missed the opportunity to develop
their lab or research experience; or students who want a chance to focus
and develop their interests before entering a PhD program.
What does the HMB program have to offer post-baccalaureate fellows?

The program will help students to prepare themselves for doctoral study.
The nine fellows will be part of a small, supportive community, yet will
have the opportunity to take advantage of rigorous and extensive course
offerings in one of the four departments. Each fellow will be matched with
a faculty mentor/advisor and a graduate student mentor in his or her
academic field and will be invited to participate in mentoring events.
Fellows will enroll in a fulltime load of up to 12 graduate or
upper-division undergraduate credits (a minimum of 9 credits) per term
(this might be a combination of formal courses and directed research).
Fellows will participate in the academic life of the department. HMBP
Fellows will get to know our faculty, our programs, and the wider academic
community. If they decide to apply to our doctoral programs (and we hope
they will) and if they win admission, with department approval up to 12
graduate credits may be counted towards degree requirements or certain
degree requirements may be waived.

For more information contact Ms. Philippa Carter, Manager of Diversity
Initiatives at 412-624-6096 or e-mail pkc3 at pitt.edu.
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