Attached are 3 local job opportunities at MTS.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 6:07 PM, James R. Bell <jbell at> wrote:

I hope this finds you well.  My name is Jim Bell, CEO of MPower Trading
Systems.   We are located in Haverford.  Dr. Newhall, over the past 12
years our firm has been fortunate to hire 2 fantastic students from
Swarthmore College's computer science program.   We would very much like to
continue our great working relationship with your office and perhaps one or
more ambitious and talented Swarthmore College computer science students.
Our firm is expanding its Core Java Swing/ Multithreading high performance
computing development operations both domestically and internationally and
we're seeking *2* very talented computer science individuals to join our
team.  We believe this will be a tremendous opportunity for the right
candidate(s) whom may be hired to work with our highly trained and talented
fintech team.

About MPower Trading Systems (MTS). Please see our brief technology
overview video: ( *
<>* ).  MTS is a
proprietary Fintech (financial technology) and custom software development
firm.  MPower is best known for our "Prodigio" SMART trading technology
platform and quantitative analytic engine solutions.  We (MPower) develop
highly scalable enterprise financial trading & analytics applications for
broker dealers, Hedge funds, buy side firms and domestic & international
fintech application companies.  Our development is highly experienced in
the area of high load high performance CEP (Complex Event) & ESP (Event
Stream), and financial algo software development. For almost 12 years MTS
has been providing proprietary fintech development and actionable
quantitative & technical investment content services to many leading
financial institutions and fintech firms such as; TD Ameritrade,
thinkorswim, TradeKing, TradeMonster, OptionsHouse and SpeedRoute.

Dr. Newhall, thank you for the opportunity to be considered.



Jim Bell , CEO | co-Founder

*Prodigio **by* mPower Trading Systems

521 W. Lancaster Ave

Haverford, PA 19041
Tel (610) 552 - 0099
* <>*

*More Than A Trading Platform!*

*For real-time* *Trade-Idea-Generation* *with* *Powerful Strategy Building
tools* *visit* * <>*
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