Hello, everyone!  Two recent CS department alumni, *Kenny Ning* and 
*Melissa O'Connor*, will be visiting campus on *Friday, October 2nd* and 
will be giving talks about their companies (which are *hiring*!) while 
they are here.  The event will be from *1pm* to 2pm and will include 
*free pizza* provided by their respective companies, *Spotify* and 
*FacSet Research Systems*.  In order to make sure we have the right 
amount of food and to schedule the right room, we need to get an idea of 
who will be interested.  If you're interested in attending (or aren't 
sure but would like to attend) and hearing what our alumni have to say 
about their post-graduation CS experience, please fill out this simple form:


Even if you don't want to attend, please tell me so using the form 
above.  I'll use this data to *schedule future talks*, so it'd be good 
to know if people who aren't attending just aren't interested or if they 
have a scheduling conflict.


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