---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kaisa Tamvere <kaisa at inacademy.eu>
Date: Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 11:08 AM
Subject: Extreme Entrepreneurship Summer Program in France/Italy
To: newhall at cs.swarthmore.edu

I am writing to you in regard to introducing an innovative entrepreneurship
Summer program to the Swarthmore College*.* I am the Coordinator of
University Relations of European Innovation Academy.

European Innovation Academy (EIA) www.inacademy.eu is the World’s largest
entrepreneurship Summer program. EIA is designed to offer students an
experiential learning opportunity that affords deep insight into the
real-life startup life.

The three week program is strongly influenced by prestigious startup
accelerators from Silicon Valley and developed in cooperation with
representatives from top institutions - *UC Berkeley, Stanford University,
Google. *You can find their feedback here

*Ken Singer from UC Berkeley* has said: ‘’EIA has quickly become one of the
cornerstones of Berkeley's entrepreneurship pedagogy. ‘’

Multidisciplinary teams launch new products to the market in a record time
of 15 days. 1000 international students are daily mentored by 200 mentors,
VC-s, speakers.

EIA takes place in the month of July in two different locations: *Nice,
France and Turin, Italy.*

I would be delighted to tell you more about the program and introduce the
possibilities of your students joining the program. If you are interested
to know more, please let me know the best time for a conference call.

Best Regards,

Ms. Kaisa Tamvere

[image: photo]
*Kaisa Tamvere*
Coordinator of University Relations, European Innovation Academy
kaisa at inacademy.eu  | www.inacademy.eu  | Skype: kaisaat

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