---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Holt <startup at businesstoday.org>
Date: Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 12:40 PM
Subject: Start @ a Startup Conference 2015
To: info at cs.swarthmore.edu

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To Whom It May Concern ,

My name is Peter Holt and I am an undergraduate student at Princeton
University. This spring I was selected as the Assistant Director of Student
Relations for the 2015 Start @ a Startup Conference organized by Business
Today and sponsored by Sequoia Capital. If you haven't heard of us before,
Business Today is a student-run non-profit founded by Steve Forbes at
Princeton University in 1968 which seeks to bridge the gap between
influential business leaders and top undergraduate students.

Specifically, the Start @ a Startup Conference is centered on connecting
talented college students with elite emerging companies through an
immersive weekend experience in the heart of New York City that will take
place this October. Students will have the opportunity to meet in small
groups with leading executives, as well as learn from remarkable keynote
speakers. In the past, we have had great speakers from Dropbox, Sequoia,
and many others. This year, we are proud to announce that YikYak, Stripe,
and PlanGrid will be sending executives to be our keynote speakers!
Students will also have the chance to set up one-on-one interviews with the
companies that most pique their interest.

I am reaching out to you on account of your leadership role in the Computer
Science Department at Swarthmore College.  Your connection to top students
interested in the intersection of technology and entrepreneurship has put
you in a unique position to notify students of this opportunity. Our team,
along with many past participants, believe that the Start @ a Startup
Conference will be one of the greatest opportunities the students of the
Computer Science Department will encounter in their undergraduate career.
With that in mind, myself and my team respectfully ask you to pass along
this information concerning the conference and encourage the students in
your reach to apply online at http://startup.businesstoday.org/.  Please do
not hesitate to reach out to me if you or any interested students have
questions.  We look forward to meeting your bright students in NYC and
providing them with the best experience possible!


Peter Holt
Assistant Director of Student Relations

Professor and Chair
Computer Science Department
Swarthmore College
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