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Subject: 	Job Opportunity in Boston Higher Ed Start Up from Swarthmore Alum (Adrian Gonzalez Cerrillo '13)
Date: 	Mon, 1 Jun 2015 11:07:58 -0400
From: 	Adrian Gonzalez <adrian.gonzalez at shearwaterintl.com>

Hello Bridget,

Thank you for taking my call earlier.  Below you will find a link to
our job description.

Please feel free to provide my work email as well


 * Job description:
 * We are looking for:
     o Someone full-time
     o Someone who lives in Boston or is willing to re-locate
     o Someone entrepreneurial
     o Someone who has previous experience developing web applications,
       ideally in EmberJS and/or Ruby on Rails

Adrian Gonzalez Cerrillo • Program Development Associate
*Shearwater International • Boston, MA*
224.430.4817 • adrian.gonzalez at shearwaterintl.com
<mailto:adrian.gonzalez at shearwaterintl.com> • www.shearwaterintl.com

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