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From: Rachel Buurma <rbuurma1 at swarthmore.edu>
Date: Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 10:05 AM
Subject: digital humanities summer internship opportunity
To: Lisa Meeden <lmeeden1 at swarthmore.edu>

Internship Opportunity: Early Novels Database Student Researcher

Project: The Early Novels Database

Project leads: Professor Rachel Sagner Buurma, Swarthmore College; Jon Shaw,

University of Pennsylvania Libraries

Dates of fellowship: June 1 – August 7 2015 (to be confirmed; may vary

Time Commitment: 35-40hours/week; approx. M-F 9-5

Pay: approximately $4,000 for 10 weeks

Location: Philadelphia (main site University of Pennsylvania Libraries)

Deadline: *Friday, April 24th, 2015 5 pm*

About The Early Novels Database

END is a bibliographic database based on the Collection of British and
American Fiction 1660-1830 held by the University of Pennsylvania's Rare
Book & Manuscript Library. When completed, the database will include
records of more than 3,000 novels and fictional narratives by canonical
authors such as Daniel Defoe to Jane Austen as well as less well-known
novelists like Mary Brunton and Mary Walker. Users will be able to perform
both keyword and faceted searches across bibliographic records containing
both edition-specific and copy-specific information about each novel.

END is designed to complement existing full-text archives. A large (and
growing) number of digitized copies of early novels exist online in both
open-access and proprietary form, yet one of the well-documented
characteristics of new digitization projects has been the loss of precisely
the kind of metadata END aims to provide. This means that even as our
archive of digital texts from the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth
centuries expands, our ability to access them in precise, controlled, and
complex ways has diminished. By offering human-generated and easy to
manipulate sets of information about early novels, END offers a concrete
solution inspired by sophisticated models of text searching that have
existed for centuries.

Fellowship responsibilities include:

- work with other team members and librarians to create rich bibliographic
descriptions of early novels (after relevant training)

-develop personal project on topic related to early novels or using END data

-participate in informal teaching and learning with other project team

Desired skills:

-ability to work both with a team and alone

-background and interest in literature, especially 18th/19th century

-familiarity with programming, databases, and/or data visualization

*To apply, send one-page letter of interest, contact information for one
faculty recommender and cv to Professor Buurma at rbuurma1 at swarthmore.edu
<rbuurma1 at swarthmore.edu>*

Rachel Sagner Buurma
Associate Professor/Department of English Literature/Swarthmore College
500 College Avenue/Swarthmore, PA 19081

Professor and Chair
Computer Science Department
Swarthmore College
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