On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 01:44:48PM -0500, James Michaelson PhD wrote:
>>Several full time research positions will be available at the Massachusetts
>>General Hospital, a Harvard affiliated teaching hospital, for graduating
>>seniors interested in spending a year or two before continuing their
>>education in medical or graduate school, as well as for individuals with
>>somewhat more experience, including students with Masters Degrees. Previous
>>holders of this type of position have had the opportunity to work on
>>research projects and to publish scientific papers on their work, and many
>>individuals have published first-authored papers on their work. For
>>students with an interest in medicine, exposure to clinical medicine is
>>encouraged. The work of our group has concerned: the assembly of data, and
>>the development of improved mathematical methods, for predicting the
>>outcome for cancer patients; the assembly of data, and the development of
>>improved mathematical methods, for understanding and assessing the growth
>>of fetus and children; the identification of screening schedules for
>>reaching the maximal possible reduction in cancer death achievable by
>>cancer screening; the application of modern computer speech and telephony
>>for developing scheduling/reminder systems for increasing the use of
>>preventative medical interventions such as mammography and influenza
>>immunization. The program is a collaborative project between individuals at
>>the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard, and MIT, and is located in an
>>MGH facility next to MIT in Cambridge.
>>The first position concerns the analysis of the systems that hospitals use
>>to make medical appointments and the assembly and analysis of data on how
>>patients are processed through the system, with the aim of improving
>>utilization of preventive service such as cancer screening. This position
>>also concerns managing preventive health interventions that use these
>>systems, designing and testing the user interfaces of the systems we are
>>buildings; creating and market testing the telephone messages our systems
>>launch; analyzing how health systems actually manage patient recruitment
>>and scheduling for preventive health, and measuring the impact of our
>>systems on preventive health use and health outcome. Individuals with
>>interests in health, human factors engineering, systems engineering,
>>operations research, cognitive psychology, persuasion psychology, and in
>>advertising, are encouraged to apply to these positions.
>>The second position concerns the refinement, implementation, and testing of
>>a system that sends computer generated telephone reminder messages for
>>increasing the use of mammographic cancer screening. Knowledge of, or
>>ability to learn, ASP, ASP.net, AJAX, C#, HTML, MS SQL Server, Windows
>>Server security, Azure, and general database and server administration is
>>required. Skill with VXML and computer speech would also be desirable.
>>The third position concerns the development of improved cancer specimen
>>imaging technologies, including micro x-ray tomography.
>>The fourth position concerns the mathematical analysis of growth.
>>The target date for employment is June 2015, but there are also
>>opportunities for individuals who wish to being now, or participate part
>>time now in a trial capacity, or carry out research projects this semester.
>>Please reply by email with CV or resume to:
>>James S. Michaelson Ph.D.
>>Laboratory for Quantitative Medicine
>>Massachusetts General Hospital
>>Department of Pathology
>>Harvard Medical School & Departments of Pathology and Surgery
>>Massachusetts General Hospital
>>Email: JamesMichaelsonPhD at gmail.com