---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Isabel X Knight <iknight1 at swarthmore.edu>
Date: Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 11:10 AM
Subject: DG Web Editor Position Open
To: Lisa Meeden <lmeeden1 at swarthmore.edu>


Would you mind forwarding this to the cs listserv please?




We are looking for WEB EDITORS! We're looking for people who have a working
knowledge of HTML/CSS and prior web design experience, as The Daily Gazette
is looking to embark on some big projects over the course of the next year
or so (our ideas so far include smaller things like making a feedback
widget, redesigning the masthead, etc. but also bigger aspirations like
responsivizing design and working with photographers and multimedia editors
to make pages that look like this
and this <http://www.wired.com/2014/08/edward-snowden/>). If you're
interested in being a part of that, we'd love to have you on board! We're
also really open to your design ideas for the Daily Gazette site.

This is also a great resume builder, especially because we have an already
established viewership of thousands each day so if you're interested in a
career in web editing or design, this is one place where your work can get
a lot of views. We also use data from Google analytics to see which designs
are better and worse to help you get a feel for how to cultivate and grow
your design sense and web skills. For a formal job description, see below.

If this is something you're interested in, please contact me at
iknight1 at swarthmore.edu or our current Web Editor, Josh McLucas at
jtmclucas13 at gmail.com


The Assistant Webmaster works closely with the Webmaster to maintain and
improve the Daily Gazette website and the Reserved Students Digest. Tasks
include: squashing design bugs, brainstorming and implementing website
improvements, designing and developing microsites for longform journalism
projects, and approving and managing RSD posts and listserv subscription

Required qualifications:

    Website development or hand-coded website design experience
    Working knowledge of HTML/CSS
    Enthusiasm for web standards & best practices

Recommended qualifications:

    Working knowledge of responsive design techniques
    Working knowledge of Javascript/jQuery
    Experience with Wordpress, especially custom themes

Professor and Chair
Computer Science Department
Swarthmore College
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