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Subject: 	Recruitment Opportunity
Date: 	Tue, 28 Oct 2014 09:10:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: 	Hahna Latonick <hlatonick at sigovs.com>
To: 	meeden at cs.swarthmore.edu


I'm Hahna Kane Latonick, Class of 2009. I currently work as an engineer for Raytheon SIGOVS, which is now a part of Raytheon Cyber Solutions Inc.

We are currently recruiting for intern, co-op and full-time positions through Thursday, November 6th. We are looking for students with a background in electrical engineering, computer engineering and computer science. Given our line of work, only U.S. citizens can apply.

Attached is an advertisement with further details for the skill sets we are looking for. If students have participated in Capture the Flag events (CTFs) or wargames like Smash the Stack, we highly encourage them to apply.

Students can send their resumes to hlatonick at sigovs.com or hahnakane at gmail.com.

If students have any questions about the opportunity, they can contact me directly.

I look forward to increasing Swarthmore's presence at Raytheon SIGOVS.


Hahna Kane Latonick
2014 DEFCON CTF Finalist
321-253-6719 (work)

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