----- Forwarded message from William McGarey <william.mcgarey at outforundergrad.org> -----

Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 19:00:33 -0400
From: William McGarey <william.mcgarey at outforundergrad.org>
To: William McGarey <william.mcgarey at outforundergrad.org>
Subject: Exciting opportunity for LGBT student interested in tech

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to you as a representative of the non-profit organization Out
for Undergrad with an exciting opportunity for LGBT undergraduates
interested in careers in technology. I would greatly appreciate if you
could share the email and attached flyer below with the students on your

Thank you!

Will McGarey

Marketing Director, Out for Undergrad


Out for Undergrad <http://outforundergrad.org/> (O4U) is a non-profit
organization dedicated to helping high-achieving LGBT undergraduates reach
their full potential in their careers.

O4U???s premier endeavor is the University
an integrated curriculum that provides students with industry specific
resources, mentorship, and year-round development opportunities.

Acceptance into the program also includes admission to the Out for
Undergrad Technology Conference (OUTC), and all conference attendees will
be made up of University Program participants. OUTC is geared towards
students interested in careers in software engineering, data/analytics and
project management.

The main benefits of the University Program include:

   - Exposure to recruiters from top firms at OUTC such as Google,
   Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft, among many others.
   - Professional development via resume workshops, career panels, and
   various networking events
   - Professional mentorship opportunities
   - Networking & relationship building opportunities with diverse students
   and professionals from across the globe

The University Program kicks off the week of June 23rd and applications are
due by June 5th. Apply by following the link


Will McGarey

Marketing Director, Out for Undergrad

william.mcgarey at outforundergrad.org


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