> Name: Cathy Polinsky 
> Email: cpolinsky at salesforce.com 
> Message: I have a two internships still available for this summer for our San Francisco office working with the work.com team at Salesforce. Housing is included. If you have know any student still looking for internships, I'd love for them to send me their resumes. I will also be on campus this weekend and available to do interviews with a couple students while I'm in town. Job descriptions 1. http://careers.force.com/jobs/apex/ts2__JobDetails?jobId=a1k700000007FWxAAM&tSource= 2. http://careers.force.com/jobs/apex/ts2__JobDetails?jobId=a1k700000006jHhAAI&tSource= Internship program: http://www.salesforce.com/company/careers/futureforce/programs.jsp -Cathy 

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