----- Forwarded message from Rachel Galiber <RGaliber at mathematica-mpr.com> -----

Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 16:05:07 -0400
From: Rachel Galiber <RGaliber at mathematica-mpr.com>
Subject: Entry Level Research Programmer Position at Mathematica in Ann Arbor,


   My name is Rachel Galiber and I work for Mathematica Policy Research
   (MPR), a social policy and research firm headquartered in Princeton, NJ.
   We are interested in recruiting undergraduates from your school for our
   Entry Level Research Programmer position in Ann Arbor, MI.

   Attached is the job notice for the position which details on the duties
   and requirements (a direct URL to apply online is included).  Please
   review and distribute to your students accordingly.   We will be reviewing
   applications in the upcoming weeks, so please encourage any students that
   are interested in the position to apply as soon as possible.

   If this is not the best way to communicate this position to students,
   please reply with the preferred method.  Please let me know if you have
   any questions about MPR or the position. 


   Thanks for your time and assistance.

   Rachel Galiber


   Rachel Galiber
   Human Resources Associate
   Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
   P.O. Box 2393
   Princeton, NJ 08543
   phone: (609) 275-2308
   fax: (609) 799-4394

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