----- Forwarded message from Michael Gorbach <michael.gorbach at raizlabs.com> -----
Subject: Internships

...  I?ve been slowly hacking at a career in software engineering over these few years and now I?ve arrived at a company called Raizlabs in Boston. It so happens that I?m running the native mobile software engineering team here, and I?m looking for summer interns (paid, of course). Specifically, we?re looking for bright and hardworking students with experience in CS who have a strong interest in mobile development (iOS and / or Android). Full-stack web development is also a potential option (we have a small but growing web team). The official job posting is here: http://www.raizlabs.com/job/software-intern/

	In the past, we?ve offered full-time, post-college engineering jobs to particularly great interns who are close to graduation.

	I was wondering if you had any candidates in your department that might be promising for such a job. If you can, please send this request along, or just connect me directly with anyone you think might do well. At this point, we are local to Boston and San Francisco, and aren?t looking for remote work.
	Thanks so much for your help!

~ Michael Gorbach
Software Engineering Manager
Raizlabs, Inc.

----- End forwarded message -----

Tia Newhall                     Computer Science Department 
Associate Professor             Swarthmore College
newhall at cs.swarthmore.edu       500 College Ave.
www.cs.swarthmore.edu           Swarthmore, PA 19081
610-690-5637 (voice)            610-328-8606 (fax)