----- Forwarded message from Emerson Murphy-Hill <emerson at csc.ncsu.edu> -----


     >> Ph.D. program to send out, but here are a couple of links students
     >> check out:
     >> http://www.csc.ncsu.edu/future-students/
     >> http://www.csc.ncsu.edu/academics/graduate/degrees/phd.php
     >> >>
     >> >> <emerson at csc.ncsu.edu> wrote:
     >> >> > Hi Tia,
     >> >> >
     >> >> > I?m an assistant professor at North Carolina State University.
     >> >> > writing you to ask if you have any outstanding students who
     might be
     >> >> > interested in a Ph.D. -- even if they?ve never considered it.
     >> >> >
     >> >> > My research group aims at helping software developers make
     better use
     >> >> > of today?s software development tools. Through a blend of
     >> >> > engineering, human-computer interaction, and social science, we
     >> >> > the challenges software developers face, while seeking to build
     >> >> > introduce improved tools that empower developers to meet those
     >> >> > challenges. Seven Ph.D. students currently work in the group,
     and I am
     >> >> > always on the lookout for students who share our interests.
     >> >> >
     >> >> > Beyond my own research group, NCSU?s computer science department
     is a
     >> >> > large and well-rounded department, with especially strong
     research in
     >> >> > games, intelligent tutoring, networking, software engineering,
     >> >> > security, analytics, graphics, systems and cloud computing. If
     >> >> > students? interests do not match my own, I?d be happy to help
     >> >> > connect with the right faculty member.
     >> >> >
     >> >> > I?m reaching out to you to see if you could recommend 2 or 3
     >> >> > outstanding students who will be graduating within the next year
     >> >> > might be interested in a Ph.D. Because most students aren?t even
     >> >> > considering a Ph.D., rather than sending your students an
     >> >> > flier, I?d like to contact them directly. I?d like to connect
     >> >> > interested students soon because they should take the Graduate
     >> >> > Exam (GRE) in the next couple of months.
     >> >> >
     >> >> > I?ve contacted you specifically based on the information on your
     >> >> > webpage -- I think that our interests align, and that you?re in
     >> >> > best position in your department to recommend students. Please
     let me
     >> >> > know if this email is unwelcome -- I?m not looking to send out
     >> >> > :)
     >> >> >
     >> >> > Sincerely,
     >> >> >
     >> >> > Emerson
     >> >> > http://people.engr.ncsu.edu/ermurph3
     >> >> > http://www.csc.ncsu.edu