----- Forwarded message from "Yez Alayan, Marketing Manager, Computer Science, Pearson" <examcopies at communications.pearsonhighered.net> -----

Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 08:28:00 -0700
From: "Yez Alayan, Marketing Manager, Computer Science, Pearson"
	<examcopies at communications.pearsonhighered.net>
Subject: The Pearson Student Coding Contest

   Pearson is excited to announce our first ever Pearson Student Coding       
   Contest. The Contest is open to undergraduate students in the United       
   States and is designed to reward contestants who develop relevant,         
   innovative, creative, and original apps that integrate with Pearson        
   Contest Details                                                            
   Students will submit their Idea Proposal from September 3 - September      
   30. Contestants will be notified by October 8 if their Idea Proposal       
   has been accepted. Contestants with approved Idea Proposals have from      
   October 8 - November 30 to develop and submit their Entry.                 
   We're also offering:                                                       
     3 internship positions for summer 2014 at eCollege in Denver.            
     An opportunity to interview for the Pearson Leadership Development       
     Program-a highly selective program that Pearson uses to recruit the      
     most talented college grads.                                             
   Use the following resources to notify your students about this amazing     
     * Full Contest details are available online:                             
     * Download a PowerPoint slide or flyer to use during class. Feel free    
       to print and distribute, or post on your course website.               
     * If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly     
       at yez.alayan at pearson.com                                              
   We hope that you encourage your students to participate in the Contest.    
   Yez Alayan                                                                 
   Marketing Manager, Computer Science                                        
   Pearson Education                                                          
   yez.alayan at pearson.com                                                     
   @PearsonCoding #AlwaysCoding                                               
   Pearson Higher Education | One Lake Street | Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458  
    If you wish to change your email preferences from Pearson, please click   

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