On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 05:10:08PM -0700, Sarah Luger wrote:
>>Dear Prof. Wicentowski, 
>>Hi, I am a former Swarthmore student ('97) who works at an NLP start-up in San Francisco, CA. 
>>Any good, groovy, hard-working students are welcome. This is a great,
>>young company looking for smart folk. Please drop me a line if you
>>have any questions, otherwise, feel free to post these positions to
>>your students.  Thank you!  Kind regards, Sarah
>>Sarah K Luger
>>505 999 9408
>>sarahluger at gmail.com

 There are two jobs for this one:

   - internship
   - software engineer

 I will try attaching the pdfs for each job. In case they
 don't get through, I've put them on the cs website:
