----- Forwarded message from Michael Cohen -----

Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 17:11:43 -0400
From: Michael Cohen <michaelcohen at lavnercampsandprograms.com>
To: meeden at cs.swarthmore.edu
Subject: Summer Job Opportunities

   Hello, My name is Michael Cohen and I am the Assistant Director of Lavner
   Camps and Programs.  I am emailing in regards to the upcoming summer.  We
   are currently in the hiring process for our technology camps and would
   like to hire qualified Swarthmore students.  I am attaching our job
   descriptions along with the camp locations.  We are offering Robotics
   Camp, Video Game Design Camp and Science Camp among others.  Could you
   please forward this email to the students?
   If you or any of the students have any questions, please do not hesitate
   to contact me.

   Michael Cohen
   Assistant Director of Camps & Programs
   Lavner Camps
   (215) 510-2314
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