-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Campus Philly presents next Tech Event
Date: 	Wed, 9 Jan 2013 22:07:48 +0000
From: 	Jennifer Devor <jen at Campusphilly.org>
To: 	Jennifer Devor <jen at Campusphilly.org>

Dear Faculty,

As a Campus Philly Partner School, we are reaching out to you today to
let you know about our upcoming tech-centric career event: *Lightning
Lessons.* Lightning Lessons will provide a 360¢ª view of the job
opportunities within the tech and mobile industries. Students will hear
from entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, commercial lawyers, marketing
experts and more in a series of lighting talks (short presentations).
They will then have an opportunity to connect one-on-one with
professionals at a networking reception afterwards. Food and fun will be


You may have learned about the event already from your Career Services
department, but we wanted to personally invite you to encourage your
students to attend.

Lightning Lessons
Monday, February 11, 2013
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Quorum at the University City Science Center

3711 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

/Visit Septa.org for public transportation options or email
jen at campusphilly.org <mailto:jen at campusphilly.org> to help plan your trip./

At this event, students will:

¡¤Learn about the different jobs available in the tech and mobile industries

¡¤Have the opportunity to ask specific and personal questions about how
to get your career in gear after graduation

¡¤Connect with regional business professionals and hone networking skills

We have also attached a flyer to print for your convenience and you will
start to see posters around campus in the next few weeks. *Please share
this FREE event with your students and encourage them to attend as this
is truly a unique opportunity for any student interested in technology. *

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

Best/Jen Devor


Jen Devor

Program Manager, Corporate Relations and Career Programs

***Description: logo_email*

1515 Market Street, Suite 830

Philadelphia, PA 19102
/www.campusphilly.org <http://www.campusphilly.org/>/

*P:* 215.988.1707 ext.107
*E: *jen at campusphilly.org <cpadmin at campusphilly.org>

Charles Kelemen
Edward Hicks Magill Professor Emeritus
Computer Science Department
kelemen at swarthmore.edu

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