----- Forwarded message from Emerson Murphy-Hill <emerson at csc.ncsu.edu> -----

<emerson at csc.ncsu.edu> wrote:

 I?m an assistant professor at North Carolina State University. I?m
 writing you to ask if you have any outstanding students who might be
 interested in a Ph.D. -- even if they?ve never considered it.

 My research group aims at helping software developers make better use
 of today?s software development tools. Through a blend of software
 engineering, human-computer interaction, and social science, we study
 the challenges software developers face, while seeking to build and
 introduce improved tools that empower developers to meet those
 challenges. Seven Ph.D. students currently work in the group, and I am
 always on the lookout for students who share our interests.

 Beyond my own research group, NCSU?s computer science department is a
 large and well-rounded department, with especially strong research in
 games, intelligent tutoring, networking, software engineering, cyber
 security, analytics, graphics, systems and cloud computing. If your
 students? interests do not match my own, I?d be happy to help them
 connect with the right faculty member.

 We don't have anything really catchy about the Ph.D. program to send 
 out, but here are a couple of links students can check out:
