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Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 09:14:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [JOB OPP] Fwd: Graduate School information session
From: "Charles Kelemen" 
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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Fwd: Graduate School information session
From:    "Erin O'Connell" 
Date:    Tue, February 27, 2007 11:28

Please share the following announcement with your students who might be
interested in learning about the following program.

Thank you,

>Information session: Wednesday, February 28
>Where: Parrish 159
>When: 12:30pm
>The Lally School of Management & Technology is one of the most competitive
>business schools in the United States. The April 2006 edition of U.S. News
>& World Report, increased our rankings from #68 in 2005 to #66 in 2006,
>making us one of the fastest growing business schools recognized for
>excellence. Our MBA graduates are recognized for infusing innovation and
>technological versatility into a variety of business roles.
>We are actively recruiting for our program called MBA Pathfinders. This
>program is designed for May/June 2007 graduates from disciplines in
>engineering, physical sciences, computer sciences or mathematics. Students
>admitted into the Pathfinders program for Fall 2007 will complete their
>first year at the campus with all other Lally MBA students. However, in
>the second year, Pathfinder students will complete a 12month co-op with a
>technology company anywhere in the United States or overseas. After the
>co-op, the students return to the Lally School to complete their second
>and final year of classes and earn their MBA degree.

Erin O'Connell
Associate Director, Career Services
Swarthmore College
500 College Avenue/135 Parrish Hall
Swarthmore, PA 19081-1397
(p) - 610-328-8193/(610) 328-8352
(f)  - 610-328-8549

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Please share the following announcement with your students
who might be interested in learning about the following program.

Thank you,

Information session: Wednesday, February 28
Where: Parrish 159
When: 12:30pm

The Lally School of Management & Technology is one of the most competitive business schools in the United States. The April 2006 edition of U.S. News & World Report, increased our rankings from #68 in 2005 to #66 in 2006, making us one of the fastest growing business schools recognized for excellence. Our MBA graduates are recognized for infusing innovation and technological versatility into a variety of business roles.

We are actively recruiting for our program called MBA Pathfinders. This program is designed for May/June 2007 graduates from disciplines in engineering, physical sciences, computer sciences or mathematics. Students admitted into the Pathfinders program for Fall 2007 will complete their first year at the campus with all other Lally MBA students. However, in the second year, Pathfinder students will complete a 12month co-op with a technology company anywhere in the United States or overseas. After the co-op, the students return to the Lally School to complete their second and final year of classes and earn their MBA degree.

Erin O'Connell
Associate Director, Career Services
Swarthmore College
500 College Avenue/135 Parrish Hall
Swarthmore, PA 19081-1397
(p) - 610-328-8193/(610) 328-8352
(f)  - 610-328-8549

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