CS35: Quiz 1 Study Guide

You should be able to define or explain the following terms:

You should be familiar with all aspects of basic C++ programs, such as those you created for labs 01 and 02. This includes:

Practice problems

  1. Write a C++ program that prompts the user for an integer n and then prints a single output integer, the sum of the integers from 1 to n.

  2. Write a boolean function isPrimaryColor that takes a string as an argument and returns true if the string is "red", "yellow", or "blue", and returns false otherwise. Then write a program that prompts the user for a color and uses isPrimaryColor to determine if their color is primary.

  3. Consider the code in examples/week-03/destructor/safeArray.cpp. Draw the stack diagram caused by the execution of the following code
    just before the "unsafe operation" performed by the code. Include the stack and the heap.

  4. Write a Shape abstract class with the following features:
    • appropriate public getColor(), setColor() and print() accessor functions. These should be pure virtual functions.
    Then write a Rectangle subclass of Shape with the following features:
    • a private color (a string) data member
    • a private length and width (both int) data members
    • a constructor which takes a color, length, and width, which it uses to initialize the data members.
    • accessor functions: getArea() and print(). print should output the area and color of the Rectangle, e.g. "Rectangle with area 20. Shape with color black."
    Finally, write a main() function that declares a pointer p to a Shape, creates a single Rectangle on the heap and saves the pointer to that Shape as p, and then prints the Shape and releases its memory.