CS35 Edge Class

#pragma once
/* Copyright (c) 2017
   Swarthmore College Computer Science Department, Swarthmore PA
   A. Danner, M. Gagne, J. Brody, Z. Palmer, A. Soni
   Distributed as course material for Fall 2017
   CPSC 035: Data Structures and Algorithms
 * An Edge is a class that represents a directed, weighted edge in a graph.
 * It is templated on three types.
 * @tparam V a type to represent the vertex labels
 * @tparam E a type to represent the edge labels
 * @tparam W a type to represent the weight (usually an int, float, or double)
template <typename V, typename E, typename W>
class Edge {
    Edge(V source, V destination, E label, W weight = 1);

    E getLabel() { return m_label; }
    V getSource() { return m_source; }
    V getDestination() { return m_dest; }
    W getWeight() {return m_weight; }

   V m_source;
   V m_dest;
   W m_weight;
   E m_label;


template <typename V, typename E, typename W>
Edge<V,E,W>::Edge(V source, V dest, E label, W weight) {
    m_source = source;
    m_label = label;
    m_weight = weight;
    m_dest = dest;