- Sign in - Please include your preferred name
- Introduction, Syllabus
- Course Goals
Who should take this course
- Took CS21 or placement exam
- Potential CS major/minors
- Pre-req for upper level CS
- Interested in solving complex problems with algorithms and data structures
Big course questions
- Given a problem
- how do we solve it computationally
- what method is best
- is our method correct
- How do we compare methods?
- What is the best way to organize and store data
- may depend on application
- Abstract Data Type (ADT):
- describes operations to support on data but not how to implement
- What are best ways to implement ADTs?
Other course Goals
- Understand principles of OOP - expand on CS21
- Implement OOP in C++
- C++ is huge, evolving. We’ll pick a subset suitable for this course
- Learn common and powerful DS and common Operations
- Learn how to apply DS & A to solve problems of moderate complexity
Student responsibilities
- Attend and participate (labs and lecture)
- start labs early
- seek help early and Often
- maintain integrity
What is CS35
- CS35: Data Structures and Algorithms
- Algorithm: A step-by-step description of how to solve a problem
- sort a list of numbers
- find cheapest flight from PHL to YVR
- Data Structure: Specification for storage, organization of data
- examples from cs21?
- Missing
- give directions
- rank restaurants
- CS35 as core CS
- Often several ways to do things
- Common patterns
- Faster ways save money, do more
- All of CS builds off DS & A
- Algorithms are program building blocks
- All programs use, need to structure data
Why C++?
- Good to know multiple languages
- each has benefits, drawbacks, common applications
- expand problem solving skils
- learn which programming elements are shared/unique
- Python may not be very efficient for large tasks
- good for beginners
- can do simple things fast
- C++ allows more low level accesses and more power/control to programmer regarding how to:
- store data
- manage memory
- pass information/data
- downside: more responsibility
Python seriesSum vs C++
Program Attributes
- Translator
- Python - Interpreted
- C++ - Compiled
- Types
- Python - Dynamic typing
- C++ - Static Typing
Clicker Testing
You should have your clickers by the end of this week.
Sample Questions
C++ code basics
I've added the program demo.cpp to your examples-<user> repo. Feel free to experiment with this code and practice C++. You can get the recent updates at any time by going into your ~/cs35/examples folder and running git pull
cd ~/cs35/examples
git pull
cd week-01
If you get some strange
git error, try seeing if any of the messages at
Understanding Git Status help. If your case is missing, feel free to post to
How do I compile/run this demo?
cd ~/cs35/examples
cd week-01
Demo Topics:
- Types
- Arithmetic ops
- Terminal I/O: cout, cin
- Branching and Decision structures
- Loops
- Functions
To come: