Opinion 1:
Opinion polls are not graded. There is no right or wrong answer
What kind of clicker do you have?
- iClicker Plus
- iClicker 2
- The kind that is in transit to me
- I don't have one yet
- I manufactured one from discarded construction materials found on campus
Question Opinion 2:
This might normally be a question, but see the previous poll
The correct git sequence for submitting your changes to github.swarthmore.edu is
- commit, push
- add, commit, push
- commit, add, push
- add, status, push
- status, commit, status, push, add, status
Question Opinion 3:
Consider the following code snippet:
bool x,y;
x = getValue(); //may return true or false
y = (x == false);
The last line can be simplified as:
y = x; //identity
y = true; //tautology
y = false; //contradiction
y = !x; //negation
- depends on the value of x
Question Opinion 4:
Consider the following code snippet:
int n;
cout << "Enter an integer: ";
cin >> n;
cout << "You typed: " << n << endl;
If the user types
3.7 at the prompt, the program will output:
- You typed: 3.7
- You typed: 4
- You typed: 3
- The program will crash